Practice Problem Set 1 – Order Statistics

This post presents exercises on order statistics, reinforcing the concepts discussed in two blog posts in a companion blog on mathematical statistics.

The first blog post from the companion blog is an introduction to order statistics. That post presents the probability distributions of the order statistics, both individually and jointly. The second post presents basic examples illustrating how to calculate the order statistics.

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Practice Problem 1-A
A random sample of size 4 is drawn from a population that has a uniform distribution on the interval (0,5). The resulting order statistics are X_{(1)}, X_{(2)}, X_{(3)} and X_{(4)}.

Determine the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the 3rd order statistic X_{(3)}. Evaluate the probability P(X_{(3)}>2).

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Practice Problem 1-B

As in Problem 1-A, a random sample of size 4 is drawn from a population that has a uniform distribution on the interval (0,5). The resulting order statistics are X_{(1)}, X_{(2)}, X_{(3)} and X_{(4)}.

Evaluate the conditional probability P(X_{(4)}>4 \lvert X_{(3)} >2).

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Practice Problem 1-C

The random sample X_1,X_2,\cdots,X_9 of size 9 is drawn from a population that has a uniform distribution on the interval (0,10).

Evaluate the mean and variance of the 7th order statistic X_{(7)}.

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Practice Problem 1-D

Suppose that the random sample X_1,X_2 of size 2 is drawn from a population that has an exponential distribution with mean 10. Let X_{(1)} be the sample minimum and let X_{(2)} be the sample maximum.

Evaluate the conditional probability P(X_{(1)}<5 \lvert X_{(2)} <10).

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Practice Problem 1-E

Suppose that X_1,X_2,X_3 is a random sample drawn from an exponential distribution with mean 10. The sample median here is the 2nd order statistic X_{(2)}.

Evaluate the probability that the sample median is between 5 and 10.

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Practice Problem 1-F
Suppose that X_1,X_2,X_3 is a random sample drawn from a uniform distribution on the interval (0,2). Let R=X_{(3)}-X_{(1)} be the sample range.

  • Determine the CDF of the sample range R.
  • Evaluate the mean and variance of the sample range R.

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Practice Problem 1-G
As in Problem 1-F, X_1,X_2,X_3 is a random sample drawn from a uniform distribution on the interval (0,2). Let R=X_{(3)}-X_{(1)} be the sample range. The following relationship relates the variance of the sample range R with the variances and covariance of X_{(1)} and X_{(3)}.

    Var(R)=Var(X_{(1)})+Var(X_{(3)})-2 \ Cov(X_{(1)},X_{(3)})

  • Evaluate Cov(X_{(1)},X_{(3)}) using the above relationship.
  • Evaluate the correlation coefficient \rho of X_{(1)} and X_{(3)}.

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Practice Problem 1-H
Suppose that X_1,X_2,X_3 is a random sample drawn from a uniform distribution on the interval (0,5). Let X_{(1)},X_{(2)} and X_{(3)} be the resulting order statistics.

  • Determine the conditional density function of X_{(3)} given that X_{(1)}=x, X_{(2)}=y for all 0<x<y<5.
  • What is the distribution indicated by the conditional density function?
  • Evaluate the condition mean E(X_{(3)} \lvert  X_{(1)}=x, X_{(2)}=y) and the conditional variance Var(X_{(3)} \lvert  X_{(1)}=x, X_{(2)}=y).

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Practice Problem 1-I
Suppose that X_1,X_2,X_3 is a random sample drawn from an exponential distribution with mean \theta. Let X_{(1)},X_{(2)} and X_{(3)} be the resulting order statistics.

  • Determine the conditional density function of X_{(3)} given that X_{(1)}=x, X_{(2)}=y for all 0<x<y<\infty.
  • What is the distribution indicated by the conditional density function?
  • Evaluate the condition mean E(X_{(3)} \lvert  X_{(1)}=x, X_{(2)}=y) and the conditional variance Var(X_{(3)} \lvert  X_{(1)}=x, X_{(2)}=y).

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Practice Problem 1-J

Suppose that X_1,X_2,X_3 is a random sample drawn from a continuous distribution with density function f(x)=2x where 0<x<1. Let the resulting order statistics be X_{(1)}, X_{(2)} and X_{(3)} where X_{(1)} is the sample minimum, X_{(2)} is the sample median and X_{(3)} is the sample maximum.

  • Evaluate the mean and variance of the sample minimum X_{(1)}.
  • Evaluate the mean and variance of the sample maximum X_{(3)}.

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Practice Problem 1-K

As in Problem 1-J, suppose that X_1,X_2,X_3 is a random sample drawn from a continuous distribution with density function f(x)=2x where 0<x<1. Let the resulting order statistics be X_{(1)}, X_{(2)} and X_{(3)} where X_{(1)} is the sample minimum, X_{(2)} is the sample median and X_{(3)} is the sample maximum.

  • Evaluate the covariance between X_{(1)} and X_{(3)}.
  • Evaluate the correlation between X_{(1)} and X_{(3)}.

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Problem ………..Answer
  • \displaystyle F_{X_{(3)}}(x)=\frac{20}{625} \ x^3-\frac{3}{625} \ x^4
  • \displaystyle \frac{513}{625}=0.8208
  • \displaystyle \frac{337}{513}=0.65692
  • E(X_{(7)}=7
  • \displaystyle Var(X_{(7)}=\frac{21}{11}=1.9
  • \displaystyle P(X_{(2)}<10)=(1-e^{-1})^2
  • \displaystyle P(X_{(1)}<5 \lvert X_{(2)}<10)=\frac{1-3 e^{-1}+2 e^{-1.5}}{(1-e^{-1})^2}=0.8575
  • \displaystyle 3 \ (e^{-1}-e^{-2})-2 \ (e^{-1.5}-e^{-3})=0.3509
  • \displaystyle F_R(r)=\frac{3}{4} \ r^2-\frac{1}{4} \ r^3
  • \displaystyle E(R)=1
  • \displaystyle Var(R)=\frac{1}{5}
  • \displaystyle Cov(X_{(1)},X_{(3)})=\frac{1}{20}
  • \displaystyle \rho=\frac{1}{3}
  • For 0<x<y<5, \displaystyle f_{X_{(3)} \lvert X_{(1)}=x,X_{(2)}=y}(z \lvert x, y)=\frac{1}{5-y} \ \ \ \ \ y<z<5
  • This is a uniform distribution on (y,5)
  • \displaystyle E(X_{(3)} \lvert X_{(1)}=x,X_{(2)}=y)=\frac{1}{2} \ (y+5)
  • \displaystyle Var(X_{(3)} \lvert X_{(1)}=x,X_{(2)}=y)=\frac{(5-y)^2}{12}
  • For 0<x<y<\infty, \displaystyle f_{X_{(3)} \lvert X_{(1)}=x,X_{(2)}=y}(z \lvert x, y)=\frac{\frac{1}{\theta} e^{-z/\theta}}{e^{-y/\theta}} \ \ \ \ \ y<z<\infty
  • This is an exponential distribution conditional on z>y
  • \displaystyle E(X_{(3)} \lvert X_{(1)}=x,X_{(2)}=y)=y+\theta
  • \displaystyle Var(X_{(3)} \lvert X_{(1)}=x,X_{(2)}=y)=\theta^2
  • \displaystyle E(X_{(1)})=\frac{16}{35}
  • \displaystyle Var(X_{(1)})=\frac{201}{4900}
  • \displaystyle E(X_{(3)})=\frac{6}{7}
  • \displaystyle Var(X_{(3)})=\frac{3}{196}
  • \displaystyle Cov(X_{(1)},X_{(3)})=\frac{2}{245}
  • \displaystyle \rho=\frac{8}{\sqrt{603}}=0.326

Daniel Ma mathematics

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Daniel Ma statistics

Dan Ma statistics

\copyright 2018 – Dan Ma


One thought on “Practice Problem Set 1 – Order Statistics

  1. […] The multinomial approach we use here is discussed in this previous post. The only difference is that the random samples discussed here are drawn from the lognormal distribution. A practice problem set for the multinomial approach is found here. Another set of practice problems for order statistics is found here. […]

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